Finance Hub

About NMP
The Nigerian Microfinance Platform(NMP) is the leading network of all major stakeholders of the Nigerian Microfinance sub-sector.
AFOS in its bid to strengthen microfinance institutions with regards to capacity development, promoting qualitative growth and efficiently managing the quality of services, collaborated with the Office of Other Financial Institutions Supervision Department (OFIDS) of the Central Bank of Nigeria and in close cooperation with GIZ facilitated the establishment of a Nigeria Microfinance Platform (NMP).
The Nigerian Microfinance Platform provides a common platform for MF-Regulators, other related government agencies, MFBs, MFIs, MF-Association (NAMB), Credit Bureaus, International/Social Investors, Financial Training Institutions, Management Training Institutions/Consultancy Firms, Universities and research institutions as well as International Organizations working on Microfinance in Nigeria.

What we do
Global Commodities Trading
Morbi iaculis, tortor id tincidunt luctus, est mi dapibus lectus, sed efficitur tellus lacus sit amet ligula. Aenean aliquam quam velit, sed bibendum tortor vestibulum quis.
Financial Services
Companies dislike the term ‘turnaround consulting’ because it represents failure. The truth is that turnaround consulting represents success.
Strategic planning
Bonds and commodities are much more stable than stocks and trades. We allow our clients to invest in the right bonds & commodities.
To provide a unified Nigerian platform for facilitating systematic exchanges amongst major stakeholders, in order to build synergy in the individual interventions for the development of the microfinance sector.
To provide services to its members through funding, advocacy, capacity development and strategic partnerships.
To be the leading microfinance platform working towards the goal of financial inclusion in Nigeria.
The NMP seeks to work through the different work groups in achieving the following objectives:
- To provide access to finance and capital through the Nigerian Microfinance Wealth Fund (NMWF), a place where MFBs can access fund to make the sector more liquid.
- To initiate and support facilitatory processes to address constraints faced by its members in the promotion and financing of low income and MSMEs.
- Establishment of industry best practices on corporate governance, code of conduct, ethics/deontology.
- Innovative industry best practices amongst members, thereby facilitating the enhancement of financial, efficiency and social performance standards in sustainable manner.
- Institutionalisation of personnel and management development and qualification programs in microfinance sector.
- Develop industry needs assessment and needs-oriented research and programs for continuous improvement of relevant competencies and capacities.
- Promote networking, information sharing and constructive dialogue amongst members.
- Foster joint strategic initiatives and synergy of action.
Latest News
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